GEN Activities

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Meeting Resolutions
Resolution 1/99: That the following ecolabelling organizations be approved as members of GEN: (i) Hungarian Eco-Labelling Organization, (ii) Central Pollution Control Board - India, and (iii) National Programme of Labelling Products with the AEnvironmentally Friendly Product@ Ecolabel (NP E?V), Czech Ministry of Environment.
Resolution 2/99: That GEN approve the revised budget for 1999.
Resolution 3/99:
That GEN open up its membership to:

(i) organizations that certify single products or service categories provided that they fulfill all membership conditions contained in Article V, Section 2. (a) of the GEN By-laws; and

(ii) organizations that certify environmentally sustainable natural resource extraction provided that they fulfill the membership conditions contained in Article V, Section 2. (a) 1 - 6 and 8 - 10 of the GEN By-laws.
Resolution 4/99: That in order to accommodate these new membership categories (refer to Resolution 3/99), GEN introduce an interim status for these as Aaffiliates@, and that pertinent revisions to the GEN By-laws be prepared and approved by the GEN Membership to enable eventual Amembership@ status.
Resolution 5/99: That GEN create an Aassociate membership@ category for non profit organizations that support the objectives of GEN, and that Aassociate membership@ be bestowed upon applicants subject to a decision of a qualified majority of two-thirds of the members attending an annual meeting.

As is the case with the new [full] membership categories (refer to Resolutions 3/99 and 4/99), GEN introduce a comparable interim status for these as Aassociated affiliates@, and that pertinent revisions to the GEN By-laws be prepared and approved by the GEN Membership to enable eventual Aassociate membership@ status.
Resolution 6/99: That GEN ExCOM direct and oversee the preparation and presentation of a report on potential admission for GEN membership of organizations that certify organic and/or environmentally sound food products, for decision at the next GEN annual general meeting.
Resolution 7/99: That the GEN membership approves the budget and work plan for 2000 with the revised stipulation that US$10,000 is allocated to the next annual meeting for relevant costs and Aa specific workshop for GEN members and potential members@.
Resolution 8/99: That if there is income received in excess of the budgeted amount during the year, the ExCOM will prepare and circulate a revised budget with spending options for approval by the GEN membership.
Resolution 9/99: That GEN encourages members to contribute funds to other members for publishing certification criteria documents on the Internet Web.
Resolution 10/99: That the GEN membership accepts the audited financial report for 1998.
Resolution 11/99: That the GEN membership appoints Showa Ota & Co. (Ernst and Young International) as the auditor of the financial report for 1999 (to be produced).
Resolution 12/99: That GEN membership fees remain as agreed in Resolution 4/97.
Resolution 13/99: That reduced GEN membership fees, once assigned by the GEN ExCOM, and unless otherwise specified in a pertinent GEN ExCOM decision, apply for a three year period.
Resolution 14/99: That the price of the GEN Guide to Ecolabelling is set at US$100 for commercial entities and US$25 for other interested parties.
Resolution 15/99:
That the GEN membership commits to greater efforts to enhance mutual cooperation among members on both multilateral and bilateral bases.

Further, that the following points be adopted as recommended procedures:
(i) when developing criteria in a specific product/service category, check if criteria already exist under another GEN member=s (s=) ecolabelling scheme(s), and if so, give consideration to the possible incorporation/adoption of such criteria;
(ii) already existing criteria should be cited or referenced in certification criteria documentation when, and as appropriate;
(iii) English editions of certification criteria documents should be published; and
(iiii) English documents should be accepted in certification procedures.
Resolution 16/99: That each GEN member agrees to perform a self-evaluation of his/her organization=s compliance with ISO 14024, and to submit a relevant findings report to the GEN Secretariat for compilation with other such reports.
Resolution 17/99: That the Secretariat is tasked to organize the appointment of a nominating committee to oversee the nomination of a replacement Chair and ExCOM member(s) effective next GEN annual general meeting.