GEN Activities

1. Opening of the Meeting

Mr. Tejera, as the GEN Chair, welcomed the other GEN members to the meeting. He also thanked Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) officials for staging this meeting, the preceding Workshop, and corresponding social activities.

Dr. Lohsomboon, on behalf of TEI, welcomed her colleagues and other invited meeting participants to the meeting.


2. Introductions

In a round-table fashion, the meeting participants introduced themselves and the organizations that they were representing. It was noted that there were twenty-nine participants, including representatives of fifteen of the 24 GEN members and fourteen observers from organizations interested in establishing and/or advancing ecolabelling in their respective jurisdictions.

Ms Bailey, of the Environment 2000 Foundation of Zimbabwe, identified that the ecolabelling program in her country will be terminated in 2001 due to reallocation of funding and change of strategic focus within her organization.


3. Approval of Agenda

The Agenda was approved and followed as presented in the Meeting Binder with the following two exceptions:

  1. the order of presentations under the Agenda Item - "Strategic Issues and Work Plans" - was slightly modified; and
  2. a presentation by Mr. Polak on "Green Mapping" was proposed, accepted and incorporated under the same heading.


4. Approval of Meeting Notes from the 1999 Annual General Meeting
  [and Selection of 2000 Resolutions Editing Committee]

The Secretariat was thanked for the completeness and format of these Meeting Notes. The Notes were approved with a single correction to the section on candidate organizations for future GEN membership. Specifically, a reference to "energy programs" was deemed inappropriate.

Secretariat to make correction in "official electronic copy".

Dr. Yu and Dr. Lohsomboon were selected to serve as the editing committee for the 2000 meeting resolutions.

Editing Committee to review, revise and accept "Resolutions" document prior to public circulation.


5. Strategic Issues and Work Plans

The Chair introduced this section of the meeting by highlighting that GEN continues to evolve as an organization, with an increased budget and expanding membership. He shared his personal view that establishing mutual recognition arrangements among members is a key future challenge.

5.1 Outcomes from Workshop

Positive reactions were expressed towards the design and delivery of the Workshop, with its focus on members' issues and the inclusion and participation of selected invitees who are promoting and/or advancing ecolabelling initiatives in their own jurisdictions (i.e. potential future GEN members). The general view was that the Workshop was well organized and interesting, and was valuable in terms of providing the GEN members with the opportunity to exchange strategies and ideas relating to common and/or shared challenges.

Dr. Lohsomboon, as the TEI representative, was thanked for the organizing and staging of the Workshop.

It was suggested that one topic of potential interest and attention at the 2001 Workshop/Event could be the design and delivery of "regional (i.e. multinational) programs".

5.2 ISEAL Alliance Presentation

Mr. Ong Kung Wai, the vice-president of International Organic Accreditation Services (IOAS) Inc., and on behalf of the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling (ISEAL) Alliance, provided a presentation on ISEAL and its members. His presentation also highlighted common features and challenges of GEN and ISEAL, as well as some significant differences. (See Attachment I to these Notes for a relevant report).

Secretariat to promote and maintain communications and information exchange with ISEAL officials in Canada.

Based on the presentation and the discussion that followed, a view emerged that the two networks and their pursuits are, in some ways, complementary. It was proposed that efforts to communicate and co-operate bilaterally should be pursued. The Secretariat was directed to pursue and maintain communications with ISEAL officials in Canada, and to investigate the potential for more formal relations, including potential GEN participation in ISEAL.

Secretariat to investigate and report back to the ExCOM on the possibility and merit of more formal relations, like membership, association or affiliation. ExCOM to report to the membership on the results of the investigation.


5.3 Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Labelling

Ms Arseneault provided an overview presentation on this subject, focussing on the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and organic labeling strategies and characteristics.

During the general discussion that followed, several observations and opinions were provided. There was a shared sense, and some examples offered, of growing demand for ecolabelling programs to include agricultural products. It was also noted that an emerging challenge for ecolabelling systems is to address "up stream" production processes and inputs that these agricultural/organic labelling systems are currently striving to address (e.g. forestry management and operations, sources and nature of textile fibres, etc.). Lastly, it was suggested that collaboration with, and recognition of, these other labelling systems could lead to greater market acceptance, impact and influence for ecolabelling systems.

Also during the discussion period, specific attention was paid to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and its labelling and accreditation activities. It was suggested that since FSC activities and achievements are of interest to GEN members, it would be beneficial to obtain more information on FSC requirements. In this regard, it was further suggested that GEN officials should consider inviting FSC officials to provide an information sharing presentation at a future GEN event.

Organizers of the 2001 Annual General Meeting and related events to consider inviting FSC officials to participate as presenters/observers.

5.4 Green Mapping Initiative
Mr. Polak described an initiative underway in Canada. Through the development and implementation of a prototype geospacial Internet web engine, Internet users will be provided with tourist, travel and business information relating to a geographical location's environmental issues, services and products.

The first location selected is the capital city of Canada - Ottawa. The Internet Web site is intended to showcase "eco-elements" of the City and region, including where to find green spaces, alternate transportation, selected shopping, specially designated lodging properties, and more. Of particular interest to GEN members, retailers and suppliers of ecolabelled products will be identified and featured.


5.5 Funding Support

On behalf of the GEN Executive Committee (ExCOM),
Mr. Polak described efforts undertaken over the previous year to pursue and secure external funding support for GEN activities.

He identified that the Ford Foundation had just approved a funding grant proposal that will provide US$100,000 of support for initiatives to be undertaken over the next two years.
Mr. Polak and the Chair provided a summary of the proposed allocation of $50,000 grant funding for the year ahead (refer to Attachment II). It was proposed that half the grant funding would be directed to "capacity building" (i.e. technical assistance) initiatives and the other half would be allocated towards "co-operation", "promotion" and "management" activities.

Mr. Polak also acknowledged that the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was sponsoring seven officials from the south east Asian region to participate in the GEN Annual Meeting and Workshop. He informed the meeting participants that efforts were continuing to define and establish technical assistance projects that ADB could potentially fund in the future.

Secretariat and Dr. Lohsomboon to prepare and forward a "GEN Event" report to ADB officials.

Secretariat and Dr. Lohsomboon to continue communications with ADB officials to explore other potential funding projects.

5.6 GEN Participation: Members and Associates

On behalf of the ExCOM, Mr. Polak reviewed the relevant decisions taken at the 1999 Annual General Meeting before identifying two participation expansion options for consideration at this meeting. [Refer to Attachment C in the Meeting Binder.]

In focusing on membership expansion concerns and strategies, he identified, as the ExCOM's preferred option, a proposal to not change the membership requirements from those established at last year's meeting. He suggested that any potential new participants that don't meet the existing membership requirements, could be considered for "associate" status.

He reviewed the proposed conditions for "associate" status that involve:

Non-profit organizations that:

  1. publicly endorse the objectives of GEN;
  2. see merit in formal participation in GEN activities; and
  3. achieve a minimum of two-thirds GEN membership support for "associate" status.

He suggested that this GEN participation structure/strategy be adopted at this meeting, yet be subject to review and potential revision on an annual basis.

Discussion after the presentation led to a decision to approve this option, as presented in Attachment C of the Meeting Binder, with the following refinements/clarifications:

GEN membership decision to adopt option of current membership conditions plus implementation of "associate" category of participants.

  1. "operation of an ISO Type I environmental labelling program" should not be included in the description of GEN membership conditions as it is not precise and is effectively covered by the condition ---"satisfy membership requirements contained in the GEN By-laws"; and
  2. "Type B organizations" could be viewed as a subset of "Type C organizations", but should not be distinguished at this time.

Secretariat to draft revised GEN By-laws to appropriately accommodate members and associates.

With this approval decision, the Secretariat was tasked to review the existing GEN By-laws and draft proposed, appropriate revisions regarding GEN participation. The membership will have to review and approve the revised By-laws once they are prepared.

Membership to review and approve revised GEN [Participation] By-laws.


5.7 Communications

Mr. Unge, on behalf of the ExCOM, reviewed the variety of GEN communications tools currently in place. He stressed that communications efforts must address both internal and external audiences and their needs. He stated that the Communications Options paper prepared last year, and incorporated into the five-year Strategic Plan, provides a list of options and guidance in this regard.

He proceeded to propose several new and/or revised tools be developed and implemented by GEN in order to improve and increase GEN communications (refer to Attachment III). The new tools discussed and supported, were:

  1. an internal e-mail newsletter that could be prepared by the General Affairs Office and circulated to members on a routine basis throughout the year;
  2. a "chat room" on the GEN Web site that could be accessed and utilized by GEN members (and possibly other invited parties) to exchange information, opinions and ideas on an on-going basis;
  3. templates for news releases and related "backgrounders", and a list of international media sources and interested parties, in order to facilitate the flow of information on GEN and ecolabelling initiatives to appropriate international media and other audiences (news releases could also be forwarded to GEN members for distribution through their own networks); and
  4. a GEN annual report that could be distributed internally and externally.

General Affairs Office to produce an internal e-mail newsletter (i.e. electronic version of GENews) several times per year.

General Affairs Office to install a "chat room" feature on the GEN Web site and provide access instructions to GEN members.

ExCOM to prepare news release and "backgrounder" templates.

ExCOM, with input from other GEN members, to compile a list of appropriate international audiences to receive GEN news releases.

ExCOM to direct the production of a GEN Annual Report. ExCOM to direct its distribution to members and other identified interested parties.

Other suggestions that were discussed and received general support were:

  1. the GEN Web site should be critically reviewed and improved, including possibly establishing separate sections targeted to external and internal audiences;
  2. members should be encouraged to increase communications and information exchange among each other through e-mail and the proposed "chat room" facility on the GEN Web site; and
  3. members should routinely report on meetings and other activities participated in which may be of interest to other GEN members.

General Affairs Office to consider and implement revisions/upgrades to the GEN Web site.

All members to initiate and participate in greater internal information sharing and communications on a continuous basis.

There was considerable discussion about the value of continuing to produce and distribute a print copy of the GENews. Members had different views on this matter, ranging from strong desire to continue with the GENews to stopping this activity in order to have money to allocate to other initiatives. Ultimately, a proposal was made that the GENews should be produced only in an electronic form, but so that it can be downloaded and printed by interested parties.

GENews to be produced and distributed in an electronic format that is downloadable and printable.

Finally, there was some discussion of the need and merits of establishing a "Communications [Sub-] Committee" to consider and advise the ExCOM on communications matters. After various opinions had been expressed, the Chair directed a vote on this matter. The outcome was a majority view that the ExCOM should retain responsibility in this area, and while a communications [sub-]committee should not be created, the ExCOM could consult with any and all GEN members on an ad hoc basis in order to get input into decisions relating to GEN communications activities. Lastly, Mr. Unge was identified as being an appropriate ExCOM official to take the lead on formulation and proposal of communications strategies and initiatives.

Communications initiatives to remain the responsibility of the ExCOM, but ExCOM officials can consult with the membership for advice.

5.8 Capacity Building and Co-operation

Dr. Lohsomboon, on behalf of the ExCOM, provided a presentation on GEN efforts to date in this area. She proceeded to identify that with the securing of the two-year Ford Foundation grant, additional funds will be available for funding of initiatives in this area.

There was general support for continuing to fund and support Technical Assistance Program (TAP) projects involving technical support to developing programs to help in the design and implementation phase, and sponsorship for pertinent GEN member and non-member officials to attend and participate in GEN Events.

Arguments were made that efforts should be encouraged and funded in two additional activity areas:

  1. Attendance and participation on behalf of GEN at appropriate international events; and
  2. Assistance to GEN members to establish/upgrade their internet Web sites in order to improve information dissemination (and sharing among GEN members).

It was suggested that organizations seeking GEN technical assistance support and funding should first contact a GEN member in order that a "joint proposal" can be submitted. It was argued that the identification of a GEN member's interest and willingness to commit to participate in a proposed project should strengthen the likelihood of ExCOM approval.

Secretariat to encourage potential TAP applicants to consult and collaborate with a GEN member in the preparation and submission of their application (if direct technical support from a GEN member is being sought).

In response to a member's inquiry, the Technical Assistance Program application review and approval process was broadly described and discussed. As an outcome of this discussion, the ExCOM was requested to prepare a relevant discussion paper.

ExCOM to prepare a discussion paper on the factors involved in, and process of, allocation of Technical Assistance Program funding support.


5.9 GEN Strategic Plan

The Chair led a section-by-section review of the document, identifying that it had been revised based on comments from members at the 1999 Annual General Meeting and some subsequent comments received by the Secretariat.

The following minor revisions were proposed:

  1. Change the title of the document to "GEN Strategic Plan 2001 - 2005" since the approval was coming at the end of 2000;
  2. revise to reflect the decisions made at this meeting regarding GEN participant categories;
  3. down play the "influence" of ISO;
  4. change Action Item 3.4 to read "Execute an international communications…"; and
  5. correct various minor typing mistakes.

A question was raised as to the detail of this document. It was stressed that this document is intended to provide a broad framework for annual work planning.

Acknowledging general support for the document, the Chair proposed that the document be revised once more (i.e. incorporate the minor revisions identified) and finalized by the Secretariat. This proposal was approved by the membership.

Secretariat to make minor revisions and finalize document. Document to be provided to all members.

The Secretariat was tasked to finalize the document and include it in a "Policy Manual" to be distributed to all GEN members (refer to relevant discussion under "Other Business" heading).

5.10 2000 Work Plan Activities and Expenditures

Mr. Sato, of the General Affairs Office, provided a relevant presentation. Based on recent developments and several discussion points, some revisions to the relevant document were directed. A revised document is attached to these notes as Attachment IV.

5.11 2001 Proposed Work Plan and Budget

[Discussion on this item was begun on Day I, but was suspended at one point and then continued on Day 2. For the purpose of keeping these notes simple and straightforward, this section reports on the entire discussions as if they were continuous.]

The Chair began to present the Work Plan proposal document - Attachment G in the Meeting Binder - but was asked to stop his presentation, given that a number of recommendations made and decisions taken earlier in this meeting were not reflected and/or addressed appropriately in the presentation document.

Consequently, the Secretariat and General Affairs Office officials were jointly tasked to revise the draft document to reflect/address the earlier recommendations and decisions. [The document was revised on Day I for presentation the next day.]

The Chair presented the revised document and led the corresponding discussion. Some wording revisions and additional points were proposed and accepted by the membership during the discussion. As a result, a further revised version of the document was arrived at, and approved by the membership - Attachment V to these Notes.

A discussion also arose on the first day and was continued on the second day, regarding whether and when GEN members might receive compensation for participation in GEN activities. It was noted that members' participation in GEN initiatives had been completely on a voluntary basis in prior years, yet the 2001 Budget did identify potential funding in the "Consulting", "Travel" and "Workshop" Work Plan areas.

Out of the discussion came a proposal that payment could and should be considered on a selective and individual project basis. In this regard, members were reminded that the Ford Foundation proposal included a suggested US$300 per diem honorarium payment to "GEN experts" participating in approved technical assistance projects.

There was general support for the notion that members should apply for, and receive some financial compensation for GEN work that doesn't directly benefit the member and actually takes the member away from their regular work. In this respect, it was proposed that members should formally request GEN funding in such situations.


6. Management Issues

6.1 Membership

The Chair announced that Ecolabelling Denmark had been awarded provisional membership by the ExCOM earlier in the year. He proposed that the membership approve this organization for full membership, which it did.

Ecolabelling Denmark is recognized as a full member of GEN.

The Secretariat directed the members to refer to Attachment H in the meeting binder that listed organizations interested and/or involved in ecolabelling. He highlighted that GEN membership applications had been sent out to six organizations in the past year, and that other organizations had expressed some interest in pursuing GEN membership in the future.

Secretariat to continue to encourage and assist organizations to become GEN members.

6.2 General Affairs Office Report

Mr. Sato provided an overview of activities carried out by the General Affairs Office over the past year. He then raised the issue of appropriate links for the GEN Web page. He proposed that links be limited to GEN members, GEN associates, formally related organizations (e.g. Consumers Choice Council, Ford Foundation, etc.), and inter-governmental organizations (e.g. UNEP, World Bank, etc.). This proposal was agreed to by the membership.

General Affairs Office to accommodate links from other internet Web sites to the GEN Web site, under the general guidelines agreed to at this meeting, and upon the direction of the ExCOM.

The efforts and accomplishments of the General Affairs Office were acknowledged and recognized by the membership.

6.3 Secretariat Report

Mr. Bozowsky tabled two hand-out documents - "Secretariat Report to the GEN Annual General Meeting" and "GEN Technical Assistance Program (TAP): 2000 Delivery and Activities" (attached to these Notes as Attachment VI).

The membership acknowledged the efforts and accomplishments of the Secretariat.


7. Financial Matters

7.1 1999 Financial Statement

7.2 Approval of 1999 Financial Audit

Mr. Taguchi presented the 1999 Financial Statement. A perceived discrepancy relating to carry-over amounts was raised and subsequently explained by Mr. Taguchi.

The audited financial statement was accepted by the membership.

7.3 Approval of Auditors for 2000

On Mr. Taguchi's recommendation, the membership decided to appoint Century Ota Showa & Co. as the auditor of the 2000 financial statement [yet to be prepared].

Century Ota Showa & Co. to perform 2000 GEN Financial Statement audit and prepare/submit a relevant report.

7.4 2001 Participation Fees

A proposal was made that the fee structure and level for members should remain the same as it had been in the past. It was also proposed that "associate fees" should be based on the same fee structure and level. After limited discussion, this two-part proposal was approved by the membership.

The membership fee level is to remain the same in 2001. The associate fee level is to be the same. Members and associates can seek a reduced fee level on an exceptional, case-by-case basis.

Mr. Sato of the General Affairs Office requested that any members that would be seeking a reduced fee level for 2001 should summit their request as soon as possible, and prior to the issuing of the 2001 fee invoices.


8. Enhanced Co-operation

8.1 ISO 14024 Conformity Checklists

Dr. Yu presented the two draft compliance checklists (contained in Attachment L in the Meeting Binder), and identified that these documents had been prepare through a collaborative effort involving EDF and TerraChoice personnel.

Mr. Polak identified that the exercise was incomplete, with a third checklist under development that will relate to Section 7 of the ISO Standard.

EDF/TerraChoice officials to complete drafting of Checklists.

In response to a question regarding the purpose intended for these Checklists, the members were reminded that a decision had been taken at last year's meeting, that included:

  1. ISO 14024 should be viewed and considered as a "Code of Good Practise" guidance document by GEN and its membership;
  2. the checklists should be produced and made available to the GEN members as potential tools to aid them in conducting voluntary self-assessments of relative compliance; and
  3. members should conduct a self-assessment of their individual program's compliance and forward their findings to the Secretariat for compilation and the preparation of an internal summary findings report.

There was a proposal made and generally agreed to that a simplified checklist and corresponding response sheet should be prepared and forwarded to the members along with these comprehensive and detailed checklists. The Secretariat was to request and expect the simplified response sheet to be completed and returned.

Secretariat to direct the preparation of a simplified Checklist and corresponding response sheet.

Further, it was generally agreed that the detailed checklists should be identified as belonging to EDF and TerraChoice rather than being identified as GEN documents.

Finally, while several detailed comments were made and discussed relating to the two documents presented at the Meeting, it was agreed that members should further review the documents and forward substantial comments to the Secretariat by January 31, 2001. The documents would be finalized and circulated to the membership by March 31, 2001. Lastly, members would be expected to forward their findings to the Secretariat for compilation into a report by June 30, 2001.

Members to provide comments on Checklists by January 31, 2001.

Secretariat to distribute documents to members by March 31, 2001.

Members to report compliance assessment findings to Secretariat by June 30, 2001.

Secretariat to prepare internal summary report prior to next AGM.

8.2 Common Criteria Development Initiatives

8.3 Common Criteria Development - Other Categories?

Mr. Unge referred to two hand-out pages (Attachment VII to these Notes) and provided some overview comments and ideas for consideration. There was discussion regarding the proposed levels of co-operation, but no decisions were taken or firm positions proposed.

Mr. Unge and Mr. Taguchi jointly tabled a "Draft Agreement between Japan Environment Association and The Nordic Ecolabelling Board -- Common criteria for copying machines". This document was briefly discussed and copies were circulated to all the members in attendance (and is attached to these Notes as Attachment VIII). Members were invited to review the document and consider possibly "signing-on" to the Agreement as well.

Members to review Agreement and contemplate "sign-on".

Lastly, Mr. Taguchi gave a status report on efforts underway to develop common core criteria requirements for computer equipment. Mr. Taguchi informed the members that he had consulted with TCO officials earlier in the year and intended to continue to consult with them (due to their relevant expertise and the possibility that TCO was going to become a GEN member shortly). After providing a quick review of the proposed criteria requirements, Mr. Taguchi informed the members that he would forward these to all members through electronic means. It was agreed that members would respond with comments within two months of receiving the document electronically.

Mr. Taguchi to forward criteria requirements document.

Members to review and provide feedback to Mr. Taguchi within sixty days.


9. GEN Executive Committee Membership

9.1 Appointment of Treasurer

The proposal was approved to convert the Treasurer position to an annual appointment and relate the candidacy to the location of the General Affairs Office.

Mr. Taguchi was nominated for the position and received full membership approval.

Mr. Taguchi to serve as the Treasurer for 2001.

The Secretariat was tasked to review the GEN By-laws and prepare appropriate revisions to reflect this upgrade and modification to the "Treasurer" position.

Secretariat to prepare revised By-laws to accommodate the new Treasurer position.

9.2 Election of GEN Chair

Dr. Graver, as Chair of the Nominations Committee, notified the membership that Mr. Polak had been the only nominee identified prior to this meeting. He invited any other nominations from the floor, but received no additional nominations. Consequently, he called for and received acclamation of Mr. Polak as the new Chair.

Mr. Polak took this opportunity to thank the membership for their endorsement, and provided some personal views on the history and future of GEN. In summary, he identified the first three years as a period of organizational and structural formation, with some initial growth. The next three year period involved expansion of the mission, further growth, policy considerations (including ISO 14000), and determination of strategic direction. He sees the next three years as a period of outreach, growth and enhanced service, and the formal positioning of GEN within the international inter-governmental community.

9.3 Election of Other GEN Executive Committee Members

Dr. Graver identified that three of the existing ExCOM members - Dr. Lohsomboon, Mr. Taguchi, and Mr. Unge had expressed interest in serving on the ExCOM in 2001. Mr. Polak had stepped down from the ExCOM, having served three consecutive one-year terms. Ms Bailey had identified her need to step down, given that her program was to be terminated in 2001.

So while two positions were being vacated, two replacement nominations had been received and were being put forward by the Nominations Committee to the membership - Ms Arseneault and Mr. Lohrer - (along with the names of the three returning ExCOM members). Dr. Graver invited other nominations from the floor, but none were forwarded. Consequently, he called for and received acclamation of the five nominees from the membership.

2001 Nomination Committee to determine a slate of potential ExCOM members for 2002.

Lastly, a 2001 Nomination Committee was selected by the membership, and composed of Mrs. Engel Hansen, Mr. Polak and the Secretariat. This committee is to canvas the membership for nominations to be put forward at next year's annual general meeting.


10. Next Annual General Meeting

The membership were informed that the ExCOM had received an offer from Ecolabelling Norway to stage the 2001 Annual General Meeting and related events (i.e. Workshop) in Norway at the end of September/early October 2001. Based on the ExCOM's recommendation, the membership accepted this offer with appreciation.

Ecolabelling Norway and Secretariat officials to collaborate in the planning, coordinating and staging of the 2001 GEN Annual Meeting and related events in Norway.


11. Other Business

Four items were raised and discussed under this agenda item:

  1. GEN Associate Status Application:
    The Secretariat was tasked to draft a process and application form for approval by the ExCOM.

    Secretariat to prepare an associate status application process and form for ExCOM approval and use.

  2. Policy Manual:
    The Secretariat was directed to prepare and/or compile the relevant document, produce sufficient copies for all GEN members, and distribute the Manual to all members. (A "table of contents" for the Policy Manual was included in the front of the Meeting Binder.)

    Secretariat to produce the GEN Policy Manual and distribute copies to all members.

  3. Suggestions for 2001 GEN Workshop:
    Suggestions were made that an FSC representative should be invited to participate, a trade expert might be a useful invitee, ISEAL officials should be invited, and break-out groups rather than one large session should be considered.

    Ecolabelling Norway and Secretariat officials to take suggestions under advisement in planning 2001 GEN Workshop Event.

  4. Proposed Revision to By-laws Amendment Process:
    It was suggested and generally supported that the By-laws amendment process should be revised from requiring "…the affirmative vote of three quarters (75%) of the members…" to "…the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the members and no more than 25% negative votes of the members…".

    Secretariat to include this proposed revision in the By-laws revision document to be forwarded to the membership for approval.


12. Adjournment

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.



Member Representatives:

José Luis Tejera (Chair) Associación Española de Normalización y Certificación Spain
John Polak TerraChoice Environmental Services Inc. Canada
Slavica Velic-Cvitas Quality Superintending Company Croatia
Seiji Taguchi Japan Environment Association Japan
Wolfgang Lohrer Umweltbundesamt Germany
Hans Petter Graver Stiftelsen Miljomerking i Norge Norway
Lisbeth Engel Hansen Ecolabelling Denmark Denmark
Ragnar Unge SIS Ecolabelling Sweden
Eva Eiderstrom Swedish Society for Nature Conservation Sweden
Ning Yu Environment and Development Foundation ROC(Taiwan)
Zsuzsanna Fiegler Hungarian Eco-labelling Organization Hungary
Heather Bailey Environment 2000 Foundation Zimbabwe
M.Q. Ansari Central Pollution Control Board India
Melissa Arseneault International Accreditation New Zealand New Zealand
Ponvipa Lohsomboon Thailand Environment Institute Thailand
Evan Bozowsky GEN Secretariat Canada
Hiroyuki Sato GEN General Affairs Office Japan

Observers / Invitees:
Claire Oracion PRIME Project Philippines
Avelina Enrile Carlos Clean & Green Foundation, Inc. Philippines
Ong Kung Wai International Organic Accreditation Service Inc. Malaysia
Bjorn-Erik Lonn Nordic Ecolabelling Board Norway
Tran Van Hoc Ministry of Science Technology and Environment Vietnam
Liana Bratasida Indonesian Society of Environmental Professionals Indonesia
Mr. Suminto BSN - National Standardization Agency Indonesia
Phonethip Phetsomphou Science Technology and Environment Agency Laos
Kesone Sayasen Science Technology and Environment Agency Laos
Kesone Sayasen CFE Foundation Russia
E. Abeyrathne EMACE Foundation of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Eromi Chandima EMACE Foundation of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Howard Shaw Chai Li Singapore Environment Council Singapore
Penelope Phoon-Cohen Singapore Environment Council Singapore

NOTE: These meeting notes have been prepared to highlight the points raised and discussed, and decisions taken during the meeting. The notes parallel the order of discussion items established in the approved meeting agenda -- see Item #3 below.